Is Hypoglycemia a Genetic Disorder?

Hypoglycemia is not a health condition like diabetes but actually is a condition that is connected with diabetes because it is a reaction from a continuing blood level decrease.
They can both be severe risks. insulin shock is also another phrase for a hypoglycemic reaction to having a severe blood sugar level.
People with diabetes usually have hypoglycemia if they:
1. don't eat enough
2. take to much of the insulin
3. continue to decrease blood sugar level.
Hypoglycemia occurs when the level of sugar in the blood is to low and is commonly associated with diabetes. Diabetes is a health problem weras hypoglycemia is a condition. Hypoglycemia is a result of not increasing blood sugar level even after realization of diabetes of because of other dietary needs such as completely cutting out carbohydrates from diet.
**They are both dealing with a low  blood sugar level.
Hypoglycemia can occur from diabetes when they don't eat enough, take to much insulin because it gets pulled into the cells from the shock of insulin, or have a continuation of decreasing blood sugar levels. They Hypoglycemia and diabetic can occur in all teens, kids, and adults with low blood sugar levels. Both symptoms are similar but you recognized hypoglycemic symptoms are that your releasing to much adrenaline, or even after treatment you are severely decreasing in blood sugar levels.