
    "Hypoglycemia is what every diabetic fears; very low blood glucose. Since the brain requires glucose for fuel at every second, it's possible to induce coma, seizures,brain damage and death by letting blood glucose drop too low. Because the brain is almost totally dependent on glucose to make use of oxygen, it is somewhat like having severe breathing problems. Though the causes and mechanisms are different, in both cases the brain does not have enough oxygen, and similar symptoms and problems can occur. It is caused by giving too much insulin for the body's current needs."
Hypoglycemia is the clinical syndrome that results from low blood sugar. The symptoms of hypoglycemia can vary from person to person, as can the severity. Classically, hypoglycemia is diagnosed by a low blood sugar with symptoms that resolve when the sugar level returns to the normal range.
This website will help you learn more about Hypoglycemia. Whether you are hypoglycemic, worried you are, or not, It will help you get a closer look at what it really is, how you get it, what to look for, and what you can do to help yourself and others.